Call for Applications: Critical Urbanism Summer Workshop "Spatialities of Digital Twinning"
This Summer Workshop scrutinizes the current trend of creating digital twins for infrastructures and institutions with the purpose of increasing both their predictive capacities and their efficiency. Modeling copies of infrastructures and institutions (and potentially, collective behavior, interpersonal relationships, events, and conflicts) inspires new practices and new notions of spatiality. The Workshop develops analytical and interventionist approaches to examine the statuses and possible consequences of such modeled copies in relation to the prevalent modes of thinking, organizing and inhabiting space. To do this, we propose considering digital twinning within the wider cultural history of attempts to achieve greater comprehension and greater efficiency via duplication.
29 June-8 July 2022 –– European Humanities University in Vilnius (Lithuania). Deadline: 2 May 2022.
Further information on Critical Urbanism.
Open for students of all levels, early career stage academic researchers and practitioners. Students are granted 3 ECTS upon Workshop completion.
Participation fee: 250 euros (Workshop itself, farewell dinner)
Applications (CV/Portfolio + up to 300 words motivation) are to be sent to by May 2 202