
ETROD & CityIndustries: Extractivism and Transition Research Online Dialogues

ETROD & CityIndustries: Extractivism and Transition Research Online Dialogues

1. 04. 2024 | 00:00 - 31. 07. 2024 | 00:00

Dear colleagues,

we are delighted to announce the upcoming ETROD cycle on “chemistry and society”.
As usual, ETROD takes place online on Thursdays, 4-5:30 pm (CET) sharp.

Amid multiple and ongoing energy and pollution crises, social scientists increasingly pay attention to the role of chemical knowledges, compositions, and potentialities. This line of work reminds us that chemistry sets the scene for the social life of natural resources. In the upcoming summer and winter term, ETROD attends to the “chemical turn” and presents a series of lectures on the relation between chemistry and society. Some of the leading scholars in this field will introduce their perspectives on how chemistry orders extractivist pasts, presents and futures, and vice versa. Based on these insights we wish to illuminate the methodological challenges of researching the often unseeable, the conceptual potentials of thinking with chemistry, and the political and ethical implications of life-as-chemistry.