Felix Schiedlowski
Researcher, Center for Interdisciplinary Regional Studies at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
Felix is a social anthropologist, focussing on politics and energy in Eastern Germany and Northern Ireland. In his PhD project - A world full of gaps: Phasing-down coal and the hunt for a post-fossil society in Eastern Germany – he is looking at the process of energy transition in the Central German Mining District, politically called Strukturwandel. This word indicates that the down-scaling of coal is compensated with the up-scaling of new forms of energy, economy, and society. As a result, Strukturwandel opens up negotiations and contestations about visions of, and access to, post-carbon futures. Previously, Felix has studied how the urban recovery of the city of Belfast shapes the Northern Irish peace process.
You can find Felix and his work here:
- Felix Schiedlowski at the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg
- felix.schiedlowski@ethnologie.uni-halle.de
Selected Publications
with Friederike Bank (2023). Postness. Virtual Issue of the Journal of the Royal Anthropological Association.
(2022). How to deal with the future? Anthropological interventions for studying attachments to time in Northern Ireland and Eastern Germany. Irish Journal of Anthropology, 24/1, S. 130-147.
(2020). Strategien von Frieden und Erneuerung in Belfast. Der nordirische Unionismus auf der Suche nach einem Platz im Friedensprozess. Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, 9/2, S. 233-254.