Katja Müller

Visiting Professor at the University of Technology Sydney and Privatdozentin at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

is a social anthropologist with research interests in energy and environmental humanities, visual anthropology, material culture, museum and digital anthropology.

Her recent work includes research in coal mining and renewable energy in Germany, in collaboration with the University of Technology Sydney and the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, and analyses of digitisation processes in museums and archives, with a focus on India and European postcolonial agendas. 

You can find Katja and her work here:


Selected Publications

(2021). Heat pipelines and climate camps: Coal mining's in/visible infrastructure, The Extractive Industries and Society 8 (3): 100944.

with Morton, Tom (2021). The space, the time, and the money: Wind energy politics in East Germany, Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 40: 62-72.

(2021). Digital archives and collections. Creating online access to cultural heritage. Oxford, New York: Berghahn. 

with Goodmann, James et al (2020). Beyond the Coal Rush: A turning point for global energy and climate policy? Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.